President and Founder of “Partners for Peace and Prosperity”

After a long and passionate career of more than 40 years at Burundi public services, regional organizations and United Nations, Andre Nikwigize, opted to continue his legacy in promoting peace processes and advancing sustainable development, in Africa, in co-founding the nonprofit organization, Partners for Peace and Prosperity, registered in the State of New York, in March 2015.  

In 2015, Andre Nikwigize left the United Nations Secretariat, in New York, where he has served as Senior Programme Officer in the Office of the Under-Secretary General and High Representative for Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States, in New York.

Before New York, Nikwigize served as Senior Economic Adviser in the Office of the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General in West Africa (UNOWA), in Dakar, Senegal, and the same time, the President of the Cameroon-Nigeria Mixed Commission (CNMC), a Commission that was set up by the UN Secretary General to implement the resolution of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on boundary disputes between Cameroon and Nigeria and the Bakassi Peninsula.

Nikwigize, also, served as Senior Economic Affairs Officer with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Sub-regional Office for Eastern Africa, in Kigali, Rwanda. Before joining the United Nations, Nikwigize served as Executive Director at the Organization for the Management and Development of the Kagera River Basin (KBO), in Kigali, Rwanda. He also served in his native country, Burundi, as Director General in charge of planning in the Office of the Prime Minister of Burundi.

Nikwigize's diverse professional experience has equipped him with a deep understanding of the linkage between economic development, conflict resolution, and sustainable peace. As highlighted by Ban Ki-moon, the former United Nations Secretary General : “there can be no sustainable development without peace and no peace without sustainable development”.


  • Written by: Andre NIKWIGIZE

    Published: April 13th, 2022

    Language: French

    374 Pages

  • On ne bâtit pas une Nation en divisant son peuple, à moins de vouloir l'asservir et l'exploiter. Durant plus d'un siècle, des générations ont été victimes de divisions, résultant en massacres, tortures, viols, exécutions extra-judiciaires, exils et autres maux, dont souffre le Burundi jusqu'aujourd'hui. Depuis le retour de la souveraineté nationale en 1962, le chemin emprunté par les Barundi, est loin de présager d'un bon avenir. 60 années caractérisées par des antagonismes ethniques, des massacres, des exils forcés de populations. Était-ce cela la finalité de l'indépendance ? Les Barundi veulent-ils tourner, enfin, la page de l'ethnisme et restaurer l'identité nationale ? Ce livre ouvre les yeux de chacun sur les drames que le Burundi a connus pour décider soit d'une renaissance de la nation burundaise, soit d'une implosion sociétale catastrophique.

  • This book is available on Amazon and every libraries that carry french books.

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