The article discusses the recent forum organized by the French Council of Investors in Africa (CIAN) with the theme "Time for a new deal with Africa." It highlights the need for African countries to negotiate better deals with external partners for their natural resources and the potential for developing renewable energy resources. We emphasize the importance of partnerships based on fair and transparent terms to drive economic growth and improve the lives of African citizens. Here is what to expect…
INternational sports day for developpement and peace
Sport has always been recognized as a significant aspect of human development, providing a range of physical, social, and emotional benefits that help individuals and communities thrive. In Africa, sports have played a critical role in enhancing community cohesion, promoting social integration, and fostering economic growth. The Basketball Africa League (BAL), which was launched in 2019, is a recent example of how sports are contributing to the development of Africa.
Building inclusive innovation and technology ecosystems must be at the heart of efforts to leverage the potential of innovation and technology to support the economic, social, and political development of women and girls in Africa. Together, we can create an inclusive tomorrow, both online and offline.
Fifth UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC-V), Doha, Qatar, 5-9 March 2023
The concept of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) was first introduced by the UN in 1971. Despite international commitments and programs aimed at addressing poverty in these countries, LDCs remain some of the poorest and most vulnerable economies in the world. LDCs account for only 1.3% of global GDP and receive very little foreign investment or exports. Every ten years, the UN organizes conferences for LDCs, but the results achieved so far are weak. The first conference in 1981 led to the adoption of the Special New Programme of Action for LDCs, and in 1990, the international community committed to integrating LDCs into the international trading system
OUA/UA: Quel Bilan pour les 60 ans ?
Dans quelques mois, l'Union Africaine célébrera ses 60 ans, mais les États-Unis d'Afrique sont toujours inachevés malgré des programmes ambitieux. Les récentes crises ont mis en évidence les vulnérabilités du continent, et un rapport prévoit une crise mondiale imminente qui pourrait causer des troubles civils généralisés. Cet article se demande si l'Union Africaine peut protéger l'Afrique et quand les États-Unis d'Afrique deviendront réalité
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Qu’est-ce que l’Afrique peut apprendre de Singapour ?